Registration of Ships, Yachts and Offshore Platforms

The Madeira International Ship Registry – MAR offers the international maritime community low operating costs while maintaining the technical rigor and safety requirements that characterizes a EU ship registry.

In fact, measures were implemented to ensure effective inspection systems for all ships registered with MAR which, together with the full application of the international conventions to which Portugal is a signatory, contributed to the Madeira Registry being included in the Whitelist of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding.

Shipowners and all entities whose object of activity is the maritime transport of people and goods may register ships, oil platforms or pleasure craft and commercial yachts at MAR, flying the Portuguese flag and with full access to Community waters as well as to a extremely competitive tax regime, applicable to shipping vessels and companies.

These entities also benefit from the services of the Commercial Registry Office and the Private Notary Office of the International Business Center of Madeira.

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